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Hello how do you earn money in the game? And where is astronomy class? I cannot find it anywhere...


click on thw background buildings before entering boys dorm. its dome building

The update for Android makes a new application instead of just updating the older version, I'll loose all the saved progress, any way to fix this?

yo where do i leave the message in the party

The hot tub after winning the costume contest in the Halloween even

Deleted 260 days ago
Deleted 260 days ago

How can i meet the girl of the letter on the desk??

In the boys dorm TV room there is a big black stone monument, click on it and click on the lion head, choosing the roses poem and you will enter the secret room with secret scenes, including Angie's

do you have a discord server?


 bring the scroll of the ancients to algie where is? Can somone help me?

Inside the Main Building, the bathroom next to the cafeteria door.

How do i make money? No idea how to get back to the farm.

Follow Miss Dawson storyline to get money from 'working' for her.

How do I can go to barn in weekend? Barn are not showed in map.

Can anyone answer, will the extraction of money appear according to the plot, or do you need to find it yourself? I still haven't been able to answer this question

Currently, by exploring Miss Dawson's storyline you will get enough money for 'working' for her, enough to buy everything you need. 

You will be able to get money by going to various storylines, as well as 'working' at the farm or some other side gigs. It won't be grindy, so you'll be able to get money as natural as possible by just advancing the story.


anything new like can we access the astronomy classrooom

7months later still no astronomy class


Just to be clear is there anything else? (Like ntr shit) Because I'm having a second thoughts about this

Is it weird that I think Eunice shouldn't be hot? She was nasty in the original, kinda feels odd to see her so hot here lol 😂

(1 edit) (+1)

Well, it's a porn parody. So, Eunice can be as hot as you want hahaha Her story will be more developed in the future.

all good 👍 

She kinda is tho?

Hi, I'm playing on the mac, and it seems the game is broken at the start? I'm stuck at "Kassandra is your... (default: landlady), and I can't click next or anything; it's stuck at this text where I can't move forward.

Can you press Enter in the keyboard or the equivalent on MAC?

It is prompting you to write what petname do you want to use for Kassandra.

Is there a way to convert saved data to text for transferring to another device?

Well, the ren-Py' engine shows three lines in the top left. Press them and you should be able to download a save file. Transfere it to the other device (USB stick, Cable, Cloude) you gonna find a way.

I already gave up and deleted it lol, but I'll keep that in mind.

Where is the astronomy classroom?

Deleted 332 days ago

well found is on the hill in the background of the boys dorm


I'm having an issue with the halloween event. I've done everything in the game up until this point and now im stuck, it says "complete halloween event" for all the girls but I've no idea how to start the event.


Just change clothes to start event i think

(1 edit) (+1)

You need to do all the previous quests (check the main quest in journal), and all Fiona's quests, then you should speak to Fiona about halloween party, then buy one (!) costume from her (in the kiosk). Then you should put on this costume (in the dorm's wardrobe) on Friday night or just choose 'skip to Friday night'.
Based on which costume you chose, the halloween story will be different. You'll get close with one girl and the other two will be locked/stuck forever (in this update). If you buy all three costumes, the game will choose superhero costume automatically, so you'd better pick only one costume and save the game before you buy it.


how can i pass math, tried everything

7, 18, 87


anyway to sneak out at night to meet angie? 

not implemented yet

is there ntr?

Just wanted to report a major issue with the android version of the game. After going back to the house at the weekend, you cannot proceed further. When you sleep at night, Blair comes to you to go outside. After that little interaction, this error pops up and you cannot proceed - you have to resort to a previous save.


Thank you for your report! I will fix it as soon as possible.

Hello! I wanted to inform you that there is an error in the PC version game, at the beginning of the game the astronomy classes cannot advance, they always remain at 0 and do not advance. I investigated and I didn't see a solution to the error, this error has been there basically since the game came out, it would be great if they could solve it.

Thank you for your report! I will fix it as soon a possible! Glad you played the game

(1 edit)

Guys where the hell is entrance I can't find kassandra 🙄

If you see a big metal gate with the name 'Trustworth' on top, that's the entrance. Click on the bus stop sign if you want to go to the town house.

Did you intend to make the PC and Mac versions play-in-browser only?

Hey! No, I had a problem with the web's interface. All files should be available for download now


what happened to the download?


Isn't Audrey the same girl from Atlantis?

how to make the quest :attend classes and explore the campus 

What's the name of the song playing in the very beginning, in the car with your father? It sounds so familiar and I can't get it out of my head.

there is nothing i can do??


if possible, can u give us a walkthrough?
astronomy class is nowhere to be seen and how do we start halloween event?

(1 edit)

Astronomy, above boy's dorm


Question. Do I need to pay for the Full game at some point or is it completely free through and through?


Hey! The game is completely free. However, when new content is added, you can get early access to the new content before it releases to the public by pledging on our Patreon page. Thank you for playing!


How to do the Cassidy first time scene or unlock it?

I cannot find my way to astronomy class. :(

If you wake up at Kassandra's and use the map to go back to campus, attempting to come back from campus before evening gives an image not found error. You have to go back to get out of it. You cannot use the map to go back to Kassandra's place during the weekend.

(1 edit) (+2)

Is there any cheats available?  And is it possible to be fit? I look like a fat shit on the yellow jacket.

If you are le hackermans, you can edit the savefile. Warning: unless you know how to hack the game, you will not be able to load the savefile. Good luck!

The image for your character does not seem to change with stat increases, much like the game it parodies.

Well, editing the save file will not work. I guess he needs to decompile the source code to view and edit assets. Then re-compile it. Good luck 

It did when I edited my files and changed some code.

Well, as you said, you edited the code.....


How I can have the perfect pass and where is the astronomy class 

how do you do the halloween event?

Where can i unlock ruby and Tatiana?
and also wheres the secret room to jinx 

Are all the animated Scenes rotoscoped? They look off and I swear that Jynx scene is lifted straight from an SFM animation

Deleted 1 year ago

You can find nerds on library and for the Halloween event you need to buy costume from the Fiona and for do that you have to do her mission first. All costumes have different end but you can replay the event so try each costume 

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